Parameter Grid Search

The purpose of the grid search is to provide an easy way to tune parameters for a given algorithm in a way that will work well on a certain class of problem. This is accomplished by creating a grid of parameter permutations based on user input and running a selected algorithm with those parameters to find the best set. The best results of every permutation of parameters are saved for post-processing.

class optiseek.modelhelpers.parameter_grid_search(algorithm, input_function, var_list, param_grid, optimize_options, show_progress=False)


Parameter Description
algorithm : class Class of the algorithm that you would like to use.
input_function : function Function object for the algorithm to optimize.
var_list : list of variables List of all variable objects to define their names and domains in the
search space. This is the same list you would pass to the optimization
algorithm class.
param_grid : dict Dictionary containing the grid of parameters to be explored
with the parameter names (strings) as keys and a list of
parameter values as values. All permutations of parameters
in this dict will be tested. For any parameters not specified, the default
will be used. See the example for more details.
optimize_options : dict Dictionary containing the kwargs for the optimize() method of the
show_progress : bool Boolean to indicate whether the grid search will print progress
to the console as the solve continues. The number of permutations
increases exponentially with respect to parameter inputs, so for high
numbers of parameter inputs, this can be useful to see how much
longer the solver has left.


Attribute Description
best_parameters : dict A dictionary containing the best performing set of
parameters. The parameter names as strings are stored as
keys and the corresponding values are stored as values.
best_position : list or ndarray The most optimal position that was found using the
best performing parameters.
best_value : float The most optimal function value that was found using
the best performing parameters.
results : pd.DataFrame A pandas DataFrame containing all results from the search. Columns
represent the algorithm parameters, best position found, and best
function value found with the respective parameters.



Executes the parameter grid search process and stores the results in the class attributes.


from optiseek.variables import var_float
from optiseek.modelhelpers import parameter_grid_search
from optiseek.metaheuristics import particle_swarm_optimizer
from optiseek.testfunctions import ackley

# define the variables for the Ackley2D function
var_list = [
    var_float('x', [-10, 10]),
    var_float('y', [-10, 10])

# set up the param_grid dictionary
param_grid = {
    'n_particles': [10],
    'weight': [0.20, 0.35, 0.50],
    'phi_p': [1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
    'phi_g': [1.0, 1.5, 2.0],
    'zero_velocity': [True, False]

# set up the optimize_options dictionary
optimize_options = {
    'find_minimum': True,
    'max_function_evals': 75

# create the an instance of the grid search class
pgs = parameter_grid_search(particle_swarm_optimizer, 

# start the search

# show the optimal parameters, the best function value found, and a preview of all saved results
print(f'best parameters: {pgs.best_parameters}')
print(f'best value: {pgs.best_value}\n')
best parameters: {'n_particles': 10, 'weight': 0.2, 'phi_p': 1.5, 'phi_g': 1.0, 'zero_velocity': False}
best value: 0.026961543641856878

   n_particles  weight  phi_p  ...         x         y  best_value
0           10    0.20    1.5  ...  0.007717  0.004236    0.026962
1           10    0.50    1.0  ...  0.021830 -0.003103    0.075259
2           10    0.20    2.0  ...  0.019337 -0.018130    0.093595
3           10    0.35    1.0  ... -0.028123  0.002833    0.101083
4           10    0.20    1.5  ...  0.001063  0.031908    0.117212

[5 rows x 8 columns]