Differential Evolution

This class represents the differential evolution algorithm developed by Storn and Price.

This is an evolutionary algorithm that utilizes vector-based genetic crossovers. It contains the typical components of a genetic algorithm (mutation, crossover, & selection) but has a special unique form of crossover that makes it widely applicable to a diverse set of problems. There are also very few parameters, making it simple to tune.

class optiseek.metaheuristics.differential_evolution(input_function=None, var_list=None, linspaced_initial_positions=True, results_filename=None, n_agents=None, weight=0.8, p_crossover=0.9)


All parameters are also class attributes and may be modified after instantiation.

Parameter Description
input_function : function Function that the algorithm will use to search for an optimum.
*args will be passed to the function within the solver.
var_list : list of variables List of variables (see variable types) to define the search space.
These correspond to the arguments of the objective function
and must be in the exact same order.
linspaced_initial_positions : bool If true, creates a linearly spaced set of points in each search
dimension, and the initial positions of the population are set to
mutually exclusive combinations of these points. This guarantees
that there will be no empty spots in a single dimension. If false,
random initial positions are chosen.
results_filename : string If a file name is passed (ending in '.csv'), the results will be written
to this file after each function evaluation. This can noticeably slow
down solution iterations for quick objective functions. For greedy
functions, it can be beneficial to do this in case the script is
n_agents : int Number of agents to use in the population. If
set to None, the population size will be based on the heuristic
10 + 2 * sqrt(n_dims), where n_dims is the dimensionality of
the search space. This is typically sufficient to explore the
whole search space.
weight : float Differential weight coefficient in [0, 2]. Higher values increase
the impact of genetic crossover.
p_crossover : float Probability in [0, 1] that a gene crossover will occur for
each dimension.


Attribute Description
best_position : dict Dictionary containing the most optimal position found during the solution
iterations, with variable names as keys and corresponding position values
as values.
best_value : float Most optimal function value found during the solution iterations.
completed_iter : int Number of iterations completed during the solution process.
results : pd.DataFrame DataFrame of results throughout the iterations. For each iteration, the
function value and position for each member of the population are provided.


.optimize(find_minimum, max_iter=None, max_function_evals=None, max_unchanged_iter=None, sol_threshold=None)

Executes the algorithm solution with the current parameters. Results will be stored to the class attributes. Either max_iter or max_function_evals must be specified in order to prevent an endless optimization loop. If any of the criteria are met during optimization, the process is terminated.

Argument Description
find_minimum : bool Indicates whether the optimimum of interest is a minimum or
maximum. If true, looks for minimum. If false, looks for maximum.
max_iter : int Maximum number of iterations. The algorithm will terminate after
completing this many iterations. None indicates that the algorithm
will not consider this.
max_function_evals : int Maximum number of function evaluations. Must be greater than the
size of the population (i.e. complete at least one iteration). The
algorithm will terminate after completing this many function
evaluations. This is a preferable metric for greedy algorithms.
None indicates that the algorithm will not consider this.
max_unchanged_iter : int If the solution does not improve after this many iterations,
the optimization terminates. None indicates that the algorithm
will not consider this.
sol_threshold : float If a solution is found better than this threshold, the iterations
stop. None indicates that the algorithm will not consider this.


from optiseek.variables import var_float
from optiseek.metaheuristics import differential_evolution
from optiseek.testfunctions import booth

# define a list of variables and their domains for the objective function
var_list = [
    var_float('x1', [-10, 10]),
    var_float('x2', [-10, 10])

# create an instance of the algorithm to optimize the booth test function and set its parameters
alg = differential_evolution(booth, var_list)

# define stopping criteria and optimize
alg.optimize(find_minimum=True, max_iter=10, sol_threshold=0.05)

# show the results!
print(f'best_value = {alg.best_value:.5f}')
print(f'best_position = {alg.best_position}')
print(f'n_iter = {alg.completed_iter}')
best_value = 0.07129
best_position = {'x1': 0.9199999999999992, 'x2': 3.1733333333333325}
n_iter = 10


Differential Evolution on Wikipedia